Mobile Integrated Blockchain Coin

MIB Coin, Smart Mobile Mining

Because the success and growth of the blockchain-based cryptocurrency has been proven, the future will see a decentralized, efficient, and comprehensive global ecosystem.At this time, we want to present MIB Coin, which will provide opportunities to participate in mining and to connect with more businesses 'anyone, anywhere and anytime' using mobile devices through innovative SmartX blockchain platforms. The MIB Coin blockchain network is managed by smartphone hash. Assuming the smartphone works 24 hours a day for a year, it will use about $ 10 worth of electricity. Compared to the existing blockchain mining power consumption, this is an increase of 99.24%, offering greater environmental friendliness, lower cost, and higher accessibility. This solution will increase mining participation in areas with unstable electricity production, such as Central Asia, Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia. Even in countries where extensive mining is ongoing, the SmartX blockchain network can bring significant reductions in the extremely high power consumption levels that often lead to social problems, resulting in the social cost savings necessary to maintain blockchain.

MIB Coin ecosystems are as follows.First, mining no longer requires expensive hardware, CPU, graphics card, More significant opportunities to participate in mining are delivered to more countries and people by using smartphones already available worldwide in the billions.This means overcoming the technical limitations of moving toward universal ownership and that is the starting point as well as the necessary and sufficient conditions for cryptocurrency to indeed function as currency.

Through the substitution of the coin market that is preoccupied with certain countries with smart and common cellular environments, the general population distributed in more than 100 countries can now become miners and users. This will create a blockchain that matches its original purpose as the ledger is distributed and hence its value must be acknowledged. the issue of polarization characterized by concentrations in specific mining companies or certain countries may be solved by distributed mining.Currently, mining activities are highly inclined towards certain countries only, and such polarization reduces the blockchain's functionality and value as currency.If mining costs increase and the investment return period is extended, this means that the cost of blockchain maintenance is increasing and can lead to its long-term collapse. Therefore, better technological solutions need to be provided to maintain a sustainable network

Great technological advancements This remarkable innovation is blockchain.In any business that involves transactions such as currency, bonds, and other financial services, blockchain and cryptocurrency extend its reach under the name of decentralization. This technology is expected to provide new paradigms for various models of industry confidence, the potential for innovative changes in business processes, and how to share information. However, the introduction of blockchain and cryptocurrency, at the institutional level is still limited, and most of the economic value of cryptocurrency is limited to transactions between cryptocurrencies. This is due to the early stages of blockchain technology, and the problems and limitations of converting traditional trading methods into other centralized blockchain transactions.Maybe it's because nobody is implementing a platform application programming interface, such as the intuitive user interface associated with blockchain and cryptocurrency usage. Beyond these problems and limitations, MIB can implement a reliable platform application programming interface. In addition, MIB uses cryptographic and token currencies through blockchain trading, providing developers and users with a full platform to build the necessary business tools and applications.
The SmartX blockchain platform is expected to be a global cryptocurrency that significantly reduces the cost of blockchain maintenance by implementing lightweight mobile hash algorithms aimed at convenience, economy and popularity.

This will not be a simple platform change but a cryptocurrency ecosystem change.Due to the rapid growth in the security and stability of the blockchain technology, the type of network that distributed the cryptocurrency market is growing rapidly. According to NIPA, the market volume of cryptocurrency has increased to USD 155.4 billion
Mobile Smart X Blockchain Platform is a mobile integrated block platform platform. What to do here is Alphabet X.
X has two meanings. The first meaning is the number 10. It contains the MIB to create a flawless ecosystem in which the beginning and end are the same.

SmartX Mobile Platform Architecture is Combine using block headers, nonce, and SHA3 algorithms Create a smart pg block that turns DAG By combining Smart pg in Mix, you create a mixture and repeat to create 32 mixes If the Mix digest is small or equal to Target Threshold, tell the current Nonce to the blockchain network, otherwise run again as a new nonce.

 MIB creates a sequence type MIB network that will provide a realistic implementation plan for the business. The order used by MIB is interpreted as meaning rather than in IT. The order is often compared to the chapters in the book, each of which has fully independent functions, including the beginning, middle, and end.
As you can see in this Picture MIB consists of six consecutive trips. The first MIB trip on the blockchain road ends here. The first trip sequence is a meeting with blockchain technology. It is a solution to various problems in development and blockchain, and establishing a distributed network that operates independently. The travel order is for mobile phones and the most popular and multi functional devices, also called portable PCs, into the blockchain platform. This is the Smart X Blockchain Mobile Platform. The order of travel is expanding on this platform. This is a new type cryptocurrency in terms of providing power to solve traditional cryptocurrency problems.

While the cryptocurrency present in the protocol has been highlighted socially and economically, the social problems arising from excessive energy consumption on the other side.There is no single cryptocurrency that comes up with a solution to this problem, although it knows several times the future of cryptocurrency

MIB develops MIB mining coin types to find solutions and results for problems no one has tried. MIB Coins is the third order.
The order for the trip is a coin for Dapp. This is the most important part of the MIB sequence that gives momentum.

This is because most of the coins are only interested in raising funds through ICO and not working in completing and executing the project. Available and sustainable coins in global markets, and coin grades that provide user-centric consistency and convenience through ecosystems and Dapp. MIB completed this project through Donacle.

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