

HashBon makes it possible to store information on several blockchains simultaneously for better things automatically and intellectually, including blockchain options that currently offer better costs forThe HashBon Blockchain Framework enhances business capitalization and value by making it more transparent and less risky for public investors. Shareholders get more tools to realize their rights as investors. After developing the framework, the team wants to use it to create business applications. One example of this application is the automatic preparation of financial statements along with hashing on the blockchain.The implementation of the blockchain financial reporting system increases capitalization and business value by making it more transparent and less risky for public investors This creates incentives for shareholders and management to implement this application. If the public company costs 1 billion euros, and the value grows by 3% (realistic estimates) the effect of the application is 30 million euros. And if the price is 30 billion euros the benefits of implementing it are 1 billion euros. Of course, public companies that are included in their budgets to improve the relationship with investors will go for blockchain implementation in the reporting system

Why do you need blockchain to solve this problem
Public Blockchain provides a 100% transparency level and is also protected from changes. The use of this technology will significantly complicate the possibility of manipulating financial reporting. Token HASH is a utility token, which can be used to pay for building business applications. 10% of the total number of HASH tokens will be distributed during the ICO.HASH tokens comply with ERC20 standards - this standard support guarantees token compatibility with third party services, and also ensures ease of integration.
 Using Ethereum BFW is not ideal, since there are several problems
  • Increasing the block size in Ethereum, which makes data processing more difficult and increases the requirements for nodes, rather than the memory size on their hard disk.
  • In order to prevent a complete collapse of the network, developers will need to implement block size limits
  • In turn, these restrictions will encourage the growth of the commission, and will also hamper the work of existing Dapps Dapps in the future will not function in
  • If Dapps stops working, the destination of the Ethereum network will be controversial. at the height of the popularity of "Crypto Kitties"the number of pending transactions to the Ethereum network increased 6 times, making priority transactions very expensive

financial documents with the3. Compile a list of shareholders. The shareholder list is a new approach to managing the relationship between the company and shareholders. This can help find answers to questions
  • Who is my best shareholder ?
  •  how valuable are they? 
  •  Where can we save costs and improve the efficiency of our relationships with these people?
  •  Can they help us? 
Then, based on data collected hashbon can provide a more profitable type of relationship with shareholders 

General platform for communication between the company and its shareholders.Previously, it was not common for public investors to be involved in business processes and company management. New trends are on the rise, where investors on the stock market want to make it input in the invested company. Usually, companies have certain interactions with investors but the board and management's reluctance to engage in conversations is seen
There is a standard procedure for dialogue with shareholders. This procedure still exists, but there has been recent pressure to be modernized and repaired.
In addition, institutional shareholders want to influence the company's decision making process. In fact, many public companies are challenged by investors who represent major changes management and in corporate governance. In particular, many investors criticize the company for mismanagement of funds, for poor public relations, and for not having efficient marketing. In addition, investors are concerned about the actions taken by management with the extra risk involved. Each shareholder, depending on the number of shares can participate in the life of the company. In some cases, this leaves plenty of room for abuse magnitude
Interaction with shareholders can help companies gather information about investor issues and make informed decisions that are in line with the company's interests in connection with this issue. This is a place where companies will soon learn how their decisions are evaluated by shareholders, before it's too late to prepare a prudent response to shareholder complaints. To explain it incorrectly, to avoid miscommunication, distrust and create opportunities for success for investors and companies, the contemporary business world requires active involvement between investors and corporate governance.

Hashbon uniquely provides comprehensive solutions that enable investors to apply their corporate governanc views, identify environmental, social and governance risks, and manage their complete proxyglobal voting needs
 Token sale
Token for sale 150 000 000 HASH
The number of tokens for ICO is 200 000 000 HASH
Cost of 1 HASH 0.10 €
Soft stamp: 1 000 000 €
Hard stamp: 10 000 000 €

